All About Dwarf Hamsters (Species, Appearance, Facts)

Dwarf hamsters are tiny creatures full of energy. They like the company of other hamsters of the same breed. There are several different species of Dwarf hamsters: Winter White, Roborovski, Chinese, Campbell’s.

If you think to adopt one Dwarf hamster or you already have one, I guess you are looking for more information related to this topic. One good friend of mine has had a lot of Dwarf hamsters in the last 10 years.

Although my experience with hamsters is not insignificant, his practical knowledge about this subject is much greater. Therefore I tried to gather all questions you might need an answer on and ask Tim for help.

Basic Dwarf Hamsters Facts

Dwarf Hamsters are much smaller than Syrian hamsters, in some cases even twice. Adult Dwarf can be 2-5 inches long depends on the type. The regular weight of one Dwarf can vary between 3/4 and 2 ounces again depends on the type.

Dwarf hamsters are faster then Syrian cousins but they also like to jump more than Syrians.

Winter White, Roborovski and Campbell’s are often called Russian Dwarf hamsters. The reason why the term Russian is used to identify these hamsters is the area where they first were discovered.

Campbell’s and Winter White are also named Siberian and widely accepted opinion is that those breeds are separate from Chinese and Robo which are considered as other two independent breeds . This might be confusing but all of them are Dwarf hamsters, I just thought that it is useful to know the terms you might face with once you start looking for the your perfect pet.

Winter White Dwarf Hamsters

Where do they come from? Winter White cuties are originally from southern and western parts of Siberia ( Russia) and the eastern part of Kazakhstan.

What is the climate they used to? Very cold with lots of snow.

When did the first Winter White hamster become a pet? In 1970. They are available in pet shops and with breeders less available than other Dwarf hamsters and Syrians.

Physical appearance – Winter White hamsters can be 3-4 inches long. They can weigh up to 2 ounces . They have black eyes and not always white fur as the name suggests. Their fur can go from gray, brown and white tones but the truth is that their fur becomes more white during wintertime.

How long they live? In wild they only live for 12 months but in captivity, they can live more. Their lifespan usually is 1-3 years.

Housing – As these furry pals are pretty small, it is better to place them in aquarium rather than wire cage, as they can squeeze and escape easily. The minimum is a 20-gallon aquarium but it would be better to be larger than that. Put bedding on the floor of the cage, 2-3 inches would be just fine to enable your pet to dig, hide, enjoy burrowing, stay warm…

How much does Winter White cost? Somewhere between 15-25$ just keep in mind that many pet stores can mix it up with Campbell’s Dwarf ( which is more available and very similar to Winter White).

If you can, get your Winter White from a reputable breeder rather then a pet shop. There a few reasons for that. First of all, you will be sure that you are adopting Winter White and not Campbell’s. Second of all, breeders are taking much more care of hamsters so the chances you get sick or pregnant hamster are very slim.

You will recognize the healthy hamster if it has: bright eyes, no nasal or eyes discharge, shiny and good looking coat, dry tail. Always check the cages mates your pet has been sharing the cage with. You do not want to get hamsters in which cage mates are sick or have any health issues.

Interesting facts :

  • Due to weather conditions ( cold weather, days are short) in their natural environment, these hamsters sleep longer and wake up later.
  • Although the weather is very cold they do not hibernate.
  • They spend more time in their burrow, living with other hamsters and males also take care of their babies
  • They are easy to tame
  • Winter Whites are a bit slower than other Dwarf which make them a good pet for kids, easy to handle
  • They have a good temper, rarely bite or nip
  • Be careful if you have allergies as Winter Whites may cause allergic reactions far more often then any other hamster breed.

Roborovski Dwarf Hamsters ( Robo )

Where do they come from? Robo comes from deserted areas of Russia, China and east Mongolia

What is the climate they used to? In the wild they live in very dry, deserted areas with poor vegetation and lack of water.

When did the first Robo hamster become a pet? In 1990. They are available in pet shops and with breeders less available than Campbell’s hamsters and Syrians.

Physical appearance -Robo hamsters can be 3,5-4 inches long. They can weigh from 0,75 to 1,5 ounces. They have black eyes and the color of fur goes from light, sandy tones to dark brown with a white belly.

How long they live? In wild they live for 2 years but in captivity, they can live more. Their lifespan usually is 2-4 years.

Housing – Due to its size and its energetic temper, it is better to place your Robo in an aquarium rather than a wire cage. Robo really likes to run and exercise a lot so the larger cage the better.

An alternative to aquarium could be the large plastic cage ( 24x12x12 inches as a minimum but if you can provide bigger even better) Put bedding on the floor of the cage, 2-3 inches would be just fine to enable your pet to dig, hide, enjoy burrowing, stay warm…

Don’t forget to put lots of toys as they really like to play. Although these hamsters live in the groups, they prefer to have their own toys so if you buy a toy for one hamster, buy the same one for each hammy in the group.

How much does Robo cost? Somewhere between 15-30$ for one Robo but if you buy a pair you can save some money, as that will cost you around 20-55$

Interesting facts:

  • Robo is the smallest of all hamsters, though very fast and therefore not suitable for kids. It is said that this tiny furry ball runs a marthon every night.
  • Robo rarely nip and it is rather a gentle creature, easy to tame
  • It does not like to be held in general although you will run into some owners which Robos even fall asleep in their hands.
  • Likes to sleep more then others, so don’t panic if you notice your hammy is sleeping longer then you consider it normal.
  • Robo is the most active in the late evening, let’s say from 9 pm till 11 pm
  • They like to live in the community with hamsters of the same kind but never try to introduce new Robo to an already formed group of hamsters. The new one most probably will not live long in that case
  • It is more convenient to keep a group of females rather than males, as boys can fight every now and then.
  • Robo is known as hypoallergenic but a few cases of asthma have been reported from the owners with no previous symptoms.

Campbell’s Dwarf Hamsters

Where do they come from? Campbell’s comes from deserted areas of North-east China and inner Mongolia

What is the climate they used to? In the wild they live in very dry, deserted areas and steppes with poor vegetation, the climate is typical continental with very cold winters and hot summers. Big seasonal differences in temperatures but also extreme fluctuations between day and night temperatures are common.

When did the first Campbell’s hamster become a pet? In 1905 Mr. Charles William Campbell was the first man from the West that captured one hamster of this kind and gave him a name Campbell’s hamster. The wider popularity as pets, these hamsters got in the last decades.

Physical appearance -Campbell’s hamsters can be 3,2-4 inches long. They can weigh from 0,75 to 1,2 ounces. They have short and silky fur, colored in grey or brown tones but as a result of selective breeding, we have this kind of hamster in tons of different fur colors and patterns on the market now.

How long they live? In wild they live for 1-1,5 years but in captivity, they can live a bit more. Their lifespan usually is 1,5-2 years.

Housing – As other Dwarf breeds, it is better to provide aquarium or plastic rather than wire cage for your Campbell’s. It is true that this type of hamster is small but likes to run a lot so the larger cage the better. Put bedding on the floor of the cage, 2-3 inches would be just fine to enable your pet to dig, hide, enjoy burrowing, stay warm…

The best is to put aspen wood shavings but do avoid pine, cedar or any evergreen wood, these are not good for your hammy due to multiple reasons ( contain some oils that can make hamster’s breathing difficult, also the pieces of this kind of wood can have sharp edges)

Remember that Campbell’s hamsters can live in the group but still as any hamster this one is also very territorial. Giving enough space to your furry balls ensures that the atmosphere will be calm and rather friendly instead of constantly fighting over their own piece of the cage.

How much does Campbell’s hamster cost? Somewhere between 10-25$ for one Robo but if you buy a pair you can save some money, as that will cost you around 20-60$

Interesting facts :

  • Campbell is a very small but very quick hamster and therefore not suitable for small kids
  • They do not mind to be held but if they feel threatened they will nip you
  • Like other Dwarf hamsters, they are very sociable and can live in a community but they need to be introduced to their cages mates when they are very, very young. So when you buy a Campbell’s hamster make sure you are buying a baby so you can easily and safely make your own Campbell’s community.
  • Campbell’s hamsters have terrible eyesight but nature gave them a lot of scent glands (on the face, on the cheek pouches, behind the ears, near the rectum and genital area), as compensation. Every time when Campbell finds himself in an unfamiliar area he will start grooming himself. The reason for that is that he is trying to transmit the scent to his feet so the feet can leave the trace which will help him to find his burrow again.

Chinese Dwarf Hamsters

Where do they come from? Chinese hamsters come from northern parts of Chine and Mongolia.

What is the climate they used to? In the wild, they live in semi-deserted and deserted areas. Climate they used to goes from moderate to hard Continental. Daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations can be rather extreme but they are quite normal for these regions.

When did the first Chinese hamster become a pet? Chinese hamsters have been present in US labs as lab animals since 1920′ but become popular as pets 50 years later.

Physical appearance -Unlike his other Dwarf relatives Chinese hamster has thin and long body. Others from the Dwarf family are more oval and round in shape. Chines hamsters can be 3-5 inches long. They can weigh from 1 to 2 ounces. They have dark grey or brown coat with lighter tones on the belly. They also have a dark-colored strip on the back.

How long they live? In wild they live for 1-2 years but in captivity, they can live more. Their lifespan usually is 2-3 years.

Housing – Chinese hamsters are not an exception, so the same rule as for others from the Dwarf family – the bigger the better -when it comes to the cage. They need a lot of space to run and exercise. Avoid wire cage, better plastic one and glass aquarium. Bedding 1-2 inches is a must. Enrich the cage with different toys, hideouts, nets, hamster wheel, tubes, tunnels and especially climbing toys, as Chinese hamsters are very good climbers ( due to its long tail)

Don’t forget to clean the cage once a week and to change the bedding as well. As the corners of the cage are often used as a bathroom, you can change bedding in these areas every day to make sure your hammy lives in safe and clean habitat.

Glass and plastic cages don’t have that good airflow like wire cage so if you don’t change bedding in bathroom area on daily basis ammonia could harm your pet’s sensitive lungs.

How much does Chinese hamster cost? Somewhere between 10-25$ for one Chinese hamster. As a matter of fact, all Dwarf hamsters have a similar price.

Interesting facts :

  • Chinese hamsters are generally friendly and curious creatures that can live in the community
  • Chinese hamsters are considered as a totally separate breed from another Dwarf type of the hamster but due to their size and look, Chinese hamsters are often put in the same group and called Dwarf.
  • They like to climb, play and exercise a lot. Do provide tons of different toys to prevent your hamster become bored as if that happens, your hammy will show his other side- a less friendly attitude and will be chewing on everything he can find.
  • You can hold your Chinese hamster but better to do that when you are sitting. Chinese hamster is small and very quick and can easily slip out of your hands and gets seriously injured.
  • Like other Dwarf hamsters, Chines also have a very fragile body and must be handled with special attention and care.
  • Chinese rarely bites but can happen when you try to take him from above. It is recommended to pick him up from below to avoid unpleasant ”touch” from your hammy.
  • In some states in the US, having Chines hamsters as a pet is not legal or you have to apply for some kind of permit. If you live in California, Hawaii, Oregon or New Jersey be careful and check the local law first before you adopt one of these cuties.
  • If you opt for Chinese hamsters, try to find reputable breeders specialized in this type of hamsters, rather than buying in local pet shops.
  • Be careful with feeding. Any Dwarf hamster is prone to diabetes so make sure you feed your hammy with high-quality hamster food + nuts, grains, seeds and small quantities of veggies and fruits.

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