Can Belgian Malinois Eat Raw Meat?

If you have Belgian Malinois, I am sure a food choice is an important issue. Since there is a number of studies about a raw diet, vets and dogs associations are either for or strongly against feeding your Malinois raw meat, in forums you may find completely opposite opinions on this topic so it’s normal to be confused, not knowing who to trust.

Belgian Malinois can eat raw meat since dogs have higher acidity levels in their stomachs, as well as shorter intestinal tract. With these characteristics, Malinois’s digestive system is capable of handling and digesting raw meat. Even if that meat harbors salmonella or listeria, your dog won’t get sick. Of course, it’s essential to get fresh meat from a trusted source.

Should Belgian Malionios Eat Raw Meat?

Having a lot of options can make decision-making easier but also more difficult. When you start searching the web, looking for answers to the question – should you feed your Malinois raw meat, you will run into many opposite opinions. Even if forums aren’t your cup of tea and you only trust professionals like vets or dogs associations you may face different discussions and disagreements on this topic.

There is no right answer to this question. There are numerous scientific studies that support raw diets as well as those that are strongly against them. It’s not even the question of the general well-being of a dog and if raw meat is healthy for dogs but does a raw diet work for your Malinois? You won’t know until you try.

From a physiological point of view, your Malionios can and should eat raw meat. His digestive tract hasn’t much evolved from the time when the dogs were undomesticated wolves. So your Mal’s stomach is perfectly capable of digesting fresh, raw meat.

Is A Raw Meat Diet Good For My Belgian Malinois?

Ordinary people, Malinois owners but also the professionals who are supporting the theory that a raw diet is better for dogs, claim that feeding Mal raw meat will improve Mal’s health and increase his performance.

They also suggest that a raw diet makes Mal’s skin healthier, improves the condition of the dog’s coat/fur, making it shinier. Additionally, raw meat diet will improve your Mal’s dental health and will reduce the size of its stool.

The dogs that are on a raw meat diet are usually leaner with a more muscular build. It’s said that if Mal eats raw meat has more energy and he is overall healthier.

On the other hand, people usually panic about different germs that raw meat can harbor. We all know that if meat is infected with salmonella or listeria and not cooked or baked when ingested will transmit bacteria and will infect the host. But this is more likely if we, humans eat raw meat.

In the case of dogs, many germs that pose a threat to humans, cannot harm your canine friend. I am not saying though that you can give any meat to your Mal, but if you get fresh meat from a trusted source and keep it in the fridge before serving, most probably everything will be ok.

You need to be careful though when you handle raw meat while preparing a delicious meal for your four-legged friend. Although most germs cannot harm your Mal, they can harm you or other members of your household. So be careful where you put the meat, wash your hands after handling the raw meat as well as all kitchen utensils that you used.

How To Get My Belgian Malinois Started on Raw Meat Diet?

Don’t forget that any dietary change in dogs should be gradual. Starting on a raw diet is not an exception.

If your Mal is used to dry food, kibbles then you can start introducing fresh, raw meat very slowly. It’s a good idea to start with a small amount of minced meat in the morning, but for the evening meal, serve kibbles as usual. Pay attention to any change, your dog may start vomiting, or having diarrhea.

An upset stomach is totally normal in this situation. But don’t let this discourage you from switching your Mal from kibble to a more natural raw meat diet. If the transition is done slowly and gradually, then these symptoms won’t be severe and won’t require the vet’s attention.

Of course, if your Mal has diarrhea wait until his stool is firm again before you continue with the transition.

If Mal has been on a processed diet, his gut has been set to process only one type of food. When switching to a raw diet, your dog’s digestive system needs time to adjust PH levels in the stomach to start breaking down the other type of food.

That’s why you need to make this transition slowly. It may take a few days up to several weeks, depending on the dog. Generally, younger dogs have healthier digestive systems that will adjust more quickly, while seniors need more time to accept a new type of food.

Before you start introducing raw meat, fasting your Mal for half of the day would be a good idea. That should ensure a good appetite. Start mixing raw meat with kibbles, and gradually increase the amount of raw meat until you can completely leave the kibbles out.

Is It Ok To Mix A Raw Met Diet and Dry Dog Food?

Of course, you can keep your Malinois on a mixed diet, there is nothing wrong with that. Although you should do your best to feed your canine friend with fresh, raw food. We all know how home-cooked meals and feeding the dog with fresh, raw food can be time-consuming, that’s why some people are mixing raw food and processed dog food.

Before you decide to mix kibbles with raw meat and not switch your dog’s diet totally to raw food, bear in mind that kibbles are not the healthier solution. First of all, kibbles are dry, which means that they take away water from your dog to be digested. Kibbles contain a lot of starch ( 30-60% ).

Giving your Mal that amount of starch can affect his digestive tract, increase PH levels, leading to GI inflammations and an upset stomach. Quality standards for producing kibbles are lower than for human food, which means that you are feeding your dog with inferior food.

If you still insist on kibbles, at least buy the most quality ones ( with the highest proportion of animal protein) you can afford.

Do Dogs Live Longer On A Raw Meat Diet?

Multiple scientific studies show that raw meat diets have numerous benefits to a dog’s health even increasing the dog’s lifespan ( for 3-5 years). The explanation lies in the fact that commercial food is full of different ingredients like starch, grains, sugar… that may cause numerous health problems like obesity, heart disease, digestive tract issues which can shorten the dog’s life.

Raw meat diet is something completely natural for dogs, they are carnivorous and they should eat the raw meat as their ancestors did in the wild. Unfortunately, in 50’s the food industry found a way to make money on various by-products from the industrialized grain industry.

They created pet food, offering inexpensive, ready-to-use feeding solutions for pet dogs. Dog owners liked the new products. But the thing is a new commercial pet food was a great source of profit for big companies and not an ideal food for our four-legged friends.

What Raw Meat Should I Feed My Belgian Malinois?

Belgian Malinois can eat muscle meat ( chicken, turkey, pork, ground beef, hamburgers). They can also eat a variety of organ meat like liver, heart, or kidneys, also chicken/turkey legs, wings, backs are safe for consumption.

Meaty bones are also ok to feed your Mal, but make sure never to give him cooked bones, but only raw meaty bones to avoid broken teeth, mouth injuries, obstructions…

Raw chicken bones are beneficial as they keep your Mal’s teeth and gums healthy, provide added nutritional elements… If you would like to read more on the topic ”Can Belgian Malinois Eat Bones?” do read our article.

When it comes to fish, you can feed your Mal fish, but you need to make sure it’s boneless. It’s also better if you cook the fish first. If you insist on giving a raw fish to your Mal, it has to be from a trusted source and safe even for human consumption.

Avoid giving him raw wild-caught fish that swim upstream ( like salmon ) as it may contain dangerous parasites.

Canned fish, like canned tuna, is safe for your dog but in moderation. Don’t feed your Mal with tuna every day and when you decide to give him, serve him as little as one tablespoon to avoid the accumulation of mercury in your Mal’s tissues.

One more thing – if your Mal has just gone through the transition from kibbles to raw meat diet and you are not sure what types of meat are safe for him since he was for example allergic to chicken kibble, don’t avoid raw chicken.

Try giving him a small amount of raw chicken meat to see how he will react. In most cases, dogs are not really allergic to meat but to artificial elements in commercial dog food.


Raw meat diet tends to be the most natural diet for your Malinois. If he used to kibbles start transitioning to raw meat diet very slow to avoid stomach issues. Observe your dog and see how he will react to new food. Be aware that raw doesn’t work for everyone. Even though it’s the most natural diet, maybe your dog won’t accept it well. But you won’t know until you try. Bare in mind that you should always consult your vet because they can give you the best advice when it comes to your dog’s health.

I hope this article will give you some information and help you make decisions on your pet’s diet easier.

Good luck!

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