What Causes My Guinea Pig To Cough and Sneeze?

I have heard so many times that people carelessly mention that their guinea pigs sneeze or cough sometimes. Most guinea pig owners think that sneezing or coughing in cavies is quite normal and nothing to worry about.

Sneezing in guinea pigs can be a symptom of URI ( Upper Respiratory Infection),a bacterial infection that can end fatally if not treated. If you hear your piggy sneezes rush to the vet as most probably your pet needs a course of antibiotics.

Cough can be another symptom of the same infection but can also be a sign of greediness. If you notice your piggy is coughing while he eats vegetables, most likely he is too excited and eats to fast so that causes a cough.

Are Guinea Pigs Supposed to Cough/ Sneeze?

No, guinea pigs shouldn’t be coughing nor sneezing and you should never accept these as normal.

Guinea pigs are not like humans. If they cough or sneeze, it won’t go away by itself if you just wait a little bit. You have to do something about it.

Why Does My Guinea Pig Coughs and Sneezes

Let’s check first the reasons for cough/sneeze which don’t require a vet visit.

If you notice that your guinea pig is coughing while he is eating or drinking, he might be too greedy. When your piggy eats or drinks too fast, he can be choking what can make him cough.

If it appears that your cavy is not greedy but still sneezes and coughs sometimes, check the hay. If hay is old and full of dust, it can irritate his windpipe and cause sneezing and coughing.

Also, check the bedding- the type and how clean it is. If you don’t clean the cage properly and change the bedding on regular basis, urine buildup may occur which can cause respiratory issues to your piggy.

Type of bedding is another possible culprit. Cedar and pine wood shavings have a very pleasant smell that can cover up the bad odor that comes from piggy’s urine.

On the other hand, these types of wood bedding can cause respiratory problems to your Cavy due to aromatic oils which can make your piggy’s breathing difficult.

We now move to the reasons for cough and sneeze which do require a vet visit:

Many people have the wrong impression when they notice that their piggy is sneezing. They think he is allergic to something. As a matter of fact, allergies in guinea pigs are so rare, that you should always check the real reason for sneezing, as most likely allergies are not the one.

Sneezing/coughing are the most common symptoms for Upper Respiratory infection or simply a cold.

This is a very serious health condition that can lead to Lower Respiratory infection or pneumonia. Once your piggy gets pneumonia has a very slim to none chances to survive.

That is why is crucial to take your furry friend to the vet as soon as you notice some of the following symptoms :

  • he sneezes more than once a day
  • your piggy coughs
  • has crusty eyes ( respiratory infection is usually accompanied by conjunctivitis
  • has nasal discharge
  • he is lethargic and suffers from appetite loss
  • you can hear the crinkling or wheezing sound while he is breathing

Another thing that can cause your piggy to cough is throat obstruction. This can be quite dangerous and requires detailed vet examination.

What Causes Respiratory Infections in Guinea Pigs?

According to the Yarmouth Veterinary Center (article guinea pigs sneezing), the immediate cause of URI are bacteria Bordatella or( and ) Streptococcus.

The thing is that almost all guinea pigs are the natural carriers of these bacteria. They are waiting for the right moment to attack when the immune system of your piggy is compromised for any reason.

Ok, what compromises your piggy’s immune system?

Stress in culprit No 1 ! Stress decreases the normal activity of your piggy’s immune system so the bacteria that have been ”sleeping” so far, now can strike.

What causes stress in guinea pigs?

Guinea pigs are prey animals. As all other prey animals, they easily get stressed.

Most common things that causes stress in guinea pigs are :

  • moving from a pet shop to your home
  • too much attention from your side ( any new pet gets it)
  • aggressive cagemates
  • overcrowded cage, too many guinea pigs, or too small cage
  • poorly kept cage, not cleaned regularly
  • recent surgery or neutering /spying procedures
  • home air quality: too much tobacco smoke, strong air freshener, or excessive use of it.

Besides stress, Vitamin C deficiency may significantly decrease the normal function of piggy’s immune system.

Another issue that may lead to respiratory infection is dental problems.

According to the vets from Yarmouth Veterinary Center, the roots of the molars ( upper cheek teeth) are very close to nasal passages, so any dental problem may also be the cause of respiratory issues as well.

Can I Catch The Cold From My Guinea Pig and Via Versa?

No, humans cannot catch a cold from their guinea pigs. We don’t have the same bugs provoking the cold. So you cannot catch a cold from your guinea pig nor your pet can catch it from you.

For your information- dogs and piggies can share the same infections and if your guinea pig gets the infection from a dog, most likely it will be pneumonia. Be aware of that if you keep dogs and piggies in the same household.

If you have caught a cold ( viral infection) and now worry about your guinea pig can get sick from your note that in theory, it is possible.

Whether or not your piggy will get infected from you depends on the type of virus, as not all human colds can be transmitted to guinea pigs.

If you have Influenza A or B, then yes, it can be transmitted to your pet, but if you have Rhinovirus which is, by the way, the most common cause of human’s colds, then your furry friend is safe, this one cannot be transmitted to piggies.

Can Other Guinea Pigs Catch the Infection From Their Cagemate?

If you have a guinea pig that sneezes a couple of times a day, you should take him to the vet but you don’t have to separate him from his cagemates.

Most probably your vet will prescribe some antibiotics to cut down the infection so there is no danger that your sick guinea pig will infect the others.

Moreover, if you have boys and if you separate the one that is sick and then you try to put him back after 2 weeks in the same cage with their old cagemates you may run into the problem.

The male guinea pigs that haven’t had any interaction in the last two weeks may behave as they have never seen each other before so they may lose the bond they had forever. Don’t be sure that they are going to get along well because they were so happy together earlier.

On the other hand, if your guinea pigs suffer from pneumonia, you have to set him in quarantine to avoid others get infected. Be also very careful when you deal with a sick guinea pig, you should use gloves, wash your hands afterward, disinfect the things your sick guinea pig is using.

How To Treat The Guinea Pig With Respiratory Infection?

Guinea pigs won’t show you right away that they are not feeling very well. So you need to carefully observe your pet on daily basis and catch any, even the smallest change in his behavior.

If you interact with your piggy regularly, then you know how does normal breathing look like. Also, you should weigh your furry friend on a weekly basis. Keep a record of the weights so you can monitor any fluctuation.

The general rule of thumb is: one-ounce weight fluctuation is just fine but two ounces is a red flag.

If you notice a sneezing episode take your piggy to the vet immediately. The guinea pigs may get sick very suddenly and die fast. Many people had a similar experience- they have just bought the guinea pig from the pet shop but he has died after four-five days.

They haven’t even noticed that something was wrong with their new pet. Be careful as many guinea pigs from the pet shops are already sick when you buy them. Maybe they don’t look like they are but if they sneeze every now and then, take them to the vet.

The vet will run some exams and tests to check your pet’s health. If he/she suspects on respiratory infection the oral antibiotics will be prescribed. Usually, it’s two weeks course of antibiotics and as in humans, probiotics are recommended.

If pneumonia developed in your guinea pig, a chest X-ray will be needed for correct diagnosis and treatment. To tell you the truth, the prognosis is not so good when it comes to pneumonia.

In some cases, your vet will prescribe a combination of different antibiotics for better results.

Even if all symptoms are gone in a few days, your guinea pig should finish the course of antibiotics as prescribed and you should see the vet afterward to check his breathing and lungs just in case.

Sometimes you can hear stories that respiratory infections are constantly repeating in some guinea pigs. No matter the treatment, these piggies are fighting against respiratory infections very frequently.

If this is your guinea pig’s case, bear in mind that this could be the sign of a heart problem rather than a respiratory infection.

The main symptoms of heart disease in guinea pigs are heavy breathing, wet nose, and cough so you can see how easily these symptoms can be misinterpreted as a respiratory infection.

How To Prevent Respiratory Infections in Guinea Pigs?

No matter almost all guinea pigs are natural carriers of bacteria that can cause respiratory infection in your pet, there are some things you can do to minimize that chance your furry pal gets infected.

  1. Make sure you keep your guinea pigs’ cage clean and tidy. Daily spot cleaning, as well as more thorough weekly cleaning, will prevent urine and other waste buildups
  1. Make sure you keep your piggies away from the stress. If you notice that one piggy is bullied, detect the guilty one and separate them. Also bear in mind that the minimum cage size for two piggies should be 8-10 square feet so don’t keep too many piggies in a small space.
  1. Make sure your piggies have high -fiber diet that contains primarily of good quality, dust-free hay, a limited amount of dry food specially designed for guinea pigs, small amounts of fresh vegetables and herbs, and occasional treats ( fruits).
  • Note that guinea pigs cannot produce vitamin C on their own so they need to intake it through the food. Make sure the food is either rich in vitamin C ( some veggies such as pepper ) or fortified with vitamin C. If needed provide a vitamin C supplement (the liquid form is the best) and give it to your piggy on daily basis. Vitamin C is super important for a strong immune system.
  1. Do the annual visit to the vet for a check-up. Many people don’t do this as they don’t see the reason for taking a healthy-looking guinea pig to the vet. I do understand them as vet’s bills are not so small but on the other hand, guinea pigs can get sick very suddenly.
  • If we add the fact that they don’t show any signs of illness until it’s late, you will realize how important is to check your pet’s health at least on yearly basis.


Don’t ignore if your guinea pig is sneezing or coughing. Note that these things won’t go away if you pretend not to see them. They can only get worse. So make sure your pet receives adequate treatment on time.

You can help your furry friend by keeping his environment calm and clean, providing quality food ( enriched with vitamin C), and interacting with him on daily basis.

You cannot prevent every respiratory infection from happening but you can try to minimize the chance your pet gets one or if he does, you can help him by taking it seriously and seek a vet’s help.

Good luck !

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