Can Maltipoo Eat Human Food?

As a Maltipoo parent, I am sure that your main goal is to provide good care to your pet. One of the most important elements of good care is a proper diet. High-quality food intake ensures your dog a healthy, happy, and long life.

Beside dry ( kibbles ) or wet ( canned ) food specially designed for dogs, Maltipoos also can eat a wide range of human food.

They can enjoy various types of fruits ( such as peach, apple, pineapple, banana among others), vegetables ( carrots, green beans, peas, sweet potatoes…), meat or fish-based meals, safe grains such as brown rice, some dairy products ( plain Greek-style yogurt, cheese ), eggs, even some treats that can share with you such as popcorns.

Do you know how to prepare popcorn to be safe and healthy for your Maltipoo? What other snacks two of you can share? Can you share your vegan food with your Maltipoo? What fish is the best to feed your Maltipoo? Do Maltipoos love shrimps? Is it milk safe for your Maltipoo and what about non-dairy kinds of milk? Is it safe to use human seasonings to add flavor to your Maltipoo’s food? Can you give human baby food to your Maltipoo?

Keep reading and find out which food you every day consume is safe for your Maltipoo and which one is better to skip.

If you are especially interested in types of fruits and vegetables that are safe/unsafe for your Maltipoo read our other articles ”Can Maltipoo Eat Fruits?” and ”What Vegetables Can Maltipoo Eat?”

What Type of Meat And Fish Can Maltipoo Eat? Can Maltipoo Eat Shrimps?

The main food for dogs is meat. Dogs need animal-based proteins to make their bodies function well. The best source of proteins for Maltipoo is found in chicken, beef, lamb, and turkey. Every commercial doggy food is based either on meat or fish.

If you make a homemade meal for your dog, use lean meat, cut off any visible fatty parts, or skin-on poultry. Cooked boneless meat is always the best option although you will certainly see that there are people who are raw meat fans.

Raw meat is not recommended as it can contain different bacteria and parasites that could harm your little friend’s health. If you would like to give the bone to your Maltipoo, make sure it is raw as the cooked bone is a choking hazard and may hurt your furry friend.

Another great source of protein is fish and should be on your Maltipoo’s menu.

It’s true that dogs need fat as well, to keep their coats nice and shiny but you shouldn’t feed your Maltipoo with fatty meat ( lean meat is a far better option). Fish oils are one of the best ingredients for healthy coats.

Fish is a great source of omega -3 fatty acids which can help to reduce the inflammation process in dogs. If your dog is allergic to chicken ( which can happen easily ) fish is a great substitute.

If you prefer homemade meals instead of commercial doggy food, that is OK but you should check with your vet or a certified veterinary nutritionist as you need to know exactly what the nutritional needs of your Maltipoo are.

Commercial dog food has wide range of supplements such as added vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in order to offer your Maltipoo complete and balanced meal. If you cook at your home, it can be even better but you should inform yourself about every detail.

For example – when you give a fish to your Maltipoo make sure he gets a very small bite of cooked, unseasoned fish and watch his reaction afterward. Look for any sign of allergy or upset stomach. If there is no any, just go for it.

As there is a lot of fish in the sea, you have to pick the right one for your Maltipoo! According to the American Kennel Club, Dogs usually eat short-lived fish such as salmon or white fish.

What is wrong with those who live longer? Long-lived fish species like tuna and swordfish can contain heavy metals such as Mercury. The heavy metal builds up in the fish’s system can cause poisoning in dogs.

If you have decided to prepare a fish for your dog, be aware of several things:

  • never serve raw fish to your dog as can contain different parasites or bacteria that can cause illness in your pet. Make sure you always cook the fish first.
  • don’t season the fish, especially garlic could be dangerous. Make sure you serve plain fish to your Maltipoo
  • don’t serve fried fish, as too much oil can upset your Maltipoo’s stomach and even in the more severe cases can provoke pancreatitis. On the other hand cooked, steamed, or grilled versions are ok.
  • Never feed your Maltipoo with whole fish containing bones. Dogs are not able to cope with fish’s bones. These are small and can easily lodge themselves in your Maltipoo’s mouth, throat, stomach, intestine.

Shrimps are another tasty treat from the sea. They are packed with nutrients that your Maltipoo needs, contain vitamin B 12, phosphorus, anti-oxidants.

Shrimp can only be an occasional treat (a partial shrimp is recommended for smaller dogs such as Maltipoo while one or two shrimps can be a snack for larger breeds) because except for good things, contain cholesterol so overeating can cause higher cholesterol numbers in your Maltipoo.

If your Maltipoo shows any signs of intestinal discomfort or illness.

Can Maltipoo Eat Eggs?

Maltipoos can and should eat eggs. Since there is a big debate out there whether you should feed your Maltipoo with cooked or raw eggs, the best you can do is to consult your vet.

Some vets are positive that cooking the egg kills many nutrients and your Maltipoo eventually gets not so healthy snack as it should be. On the other hand, there is quite a large number of vets that say the uncooked egg poses a threat of salmonella infection.

Although dogs with a strong immune system won’t get infected with salmonella, those with compromised immune systems will.

Pay attention to the quantity as well. Although general guidelines say that adult dogs should eat one egg per day and not more ( max 10% of daily food intake), this is too much for Maltipoo as considered a small dog. Don’t give your Maltipoo a whole egg more often than 2-3 times a week.

The eggshell is a great source of calcium so you can crash it and sprinkle it over the food.

Eggs contain vitamins A and B12, folate, iron, selenium. They are rich in fatty acids, amino acids, high in proteins which is all good and beneficial to your Maltipoo. But eggs are also high in cholesterol so may cause an upset stomach in the short-term and obesity in long-term consumption.

Can Maltipoo Drink Milk? What About Other Dairy Products?

The only milk your Maltipoo really needs is the one from his mother. After weaned your dog doesn’t have a real necessity to drink cow, goat or any type of non-dairy milk.

However, if you notice that your dog enjoys drinking milk, you can make him happy by giving him milk occasionally in small quantities ( a few tablespoons).

Before you let him enjoy you need to check if he is going to show any sign of lactose – intolerance. Give him a small portion of milk and watch out for a reaction. If he has loose stool or a lot of gasses, stop giving him milk, he is most probably lactose intolerant.

Milk does contain some vitamins ( A, D, and B12), protein, and calcium that dogs need in their everyday diet. But milk is not the best source where they should get these nutrients from.

So what’s wrong with milk? Milk is very high in sugars. The percentage of lactose ( carbohydrates ) in whole milk is around 45%. The problem is that carbohydrates in milk are mainly sugars and don’t contain any complex carbohydrates and dietary fibers which is bad for your Maltipoo.

If you opt for skim milk, you will get lower fat and slightly higher sugar content. It doesn’t mean that someone added sugar to the skim milk though. The percentage is simply higher because we removed the fat.

If you give milk to your Maltipoo as an occasional treat, make sure it’s plain. Never give sweetened versions or chocolate milk ( this one can be toxic to your pet).

Other dairy products such as cheese ( low fat, low salt) like cottage cheese, mozzarella or soft goat cheese, and yogurt ( plain, Greek-style version) are much better options.

The reason is that both cheese and yogurt are lower in sugar. Why? During the culturing process, the probiotic bacteria digest the sugar.

Another dairy product that you can give your Maltipoo as an occasional treat is sour cream. It is rich in calcium and some brands contain probiotic but also very high in fat and sodium. Moderation is the key!

Unlike cheese, sour cream, and yogurt, butter is not a recommended milk-based products for dogs. High in saturated fat and fatty oils. It’s not toxic though.

If your Maltipoo accidentally eats some butter, most probably will not experience any major issue. Still, butter should be avoided as its consumption may lead to obesity and other health issues in dogs.

If your furry friend is lactose intolerant, there are plant-based milk options on the market. You can serve him either soy, almond, or rice milk.

The problem with these non-dairy kinds of milk is that most of them are sweetened. Even if the label says ”no added sugar” it doesn’t mean it’s safe for your Maltipoo. This type of milk can contain xylitol( sweetener ), a substance that is toxic to dogs.

Almond milk is high in fat so just a few tablespoons occasionally should be enough.

Soy milk is quite safe if not sweetened or enriched with different kinds of flavors.

Rice milk is also a safe option but be careful as most of the rice milk products that can be found in the market are sweetened. Skip it.

Can Maltipoo Eat Grains? Which Grains Are Safe?

Maltipoo can eat grains but also can develop an allergy to some kinds of it.

In the past, it was a lot easier as nobody raised big questions about switching from a diet rich in grains to a grain-free diet. Dogs owners would simply cut of grains from their pet’s diet if they noticed some kind of intestinal discomfort or skin reaction.

Then something happened. Dogs that had no issues with heart, developed dilated cardiomyopathy ( DCM). Soon it was discovered that diet was to blame. All those dogs were on a grain-free diet.

Then another detail came up. It seemed not only a grain-free diet was to blame but also the type of meat the dog food contained. This is called BEG diet, Boutique ( small brands), Exotic animal meat ( alligators, kangaroo, versions ) Grain-free diet. This type of dog food contained peas, lentils, and other legumes as well as potato as one of the top 5 ingredients.

Today the experts are divided, some of them are still for a grain-free diet but some others are not. Especially in the case of breeds that are prone to DCM ( Great Danes, English and American Cocker Spaniels, Newfoundlands) vets suggest some grains in diet. Fortunately, Maltipoose ( both Maltese and Poodles ) are not on that list.

So if your Maltipoo doesn’t have any grain allergy you can offer kibble without gluten or with low gluten ingredients such as barley.

Of course, you can also feed your Maltipoo with gluten-free foods such as rice or quinoa.

If you have noticed that your Maltipoo shows some signs of grain allergies you should go for grain-free dog food but the one that contains traditional meats ( chicken, turkey, beef, duck, fish) and not exotic ones.

Another grain that you can feed your Maltipoo occasionally is corn. Although it is known as filler in dog food, it has some nutritional benefits. Corn is a great source of protein, carbohydrates, fibers, and linoleic acids.

You might find the picture where your Maltipoo is eating corn on the cob cute, but don’t do that. Cob is a great choking hazard that can cause intestinal blockage. If you notice that your Maltipoo is lethargic, constantly vomiting, having diarrhea seek for vet’s help immediately. It might happen that your Maltipoo has ingested the cob.

Another snack you can prepare for both of you is popcorn. Popcorn is a safe treat for your Maltipoo as long as they are unsalted and without butter. So plain and air-popped popcorn is a light snack rich in fibers.

Pay attention not to feed your Maltipoo with kernels that are not properly popped. For Maltipoo, these pieces are not digestible and can cause an upset stomach.

Also, note that popcorn may get stuck in your dog’s teeth and provoke tooth decay or gum problems.

Consider plain popcorn as an occasional treat only. The excessive intake wouldn’t be a healthy choice either for you or for your Maltipoo.

Can You Share Vegan Food With Your Maltipoo? Can Your Maltipoo be a Vegan Dog?

Dogs (including your Maltipoo) are not strictly carnivores so therefore they can thrive on properly formulated vegan diet.

If you are Vegan and prefer your Maltipoo becomes one too, there is no problem. Check with the vet and ask about a few commercial brands that are selling vegan dog food.

Another option is a homemade whole food vegetable diet which should contain rice, sweet potato, carrots, lentils, and other veggies that are safe for your Maltipoo.

If your vegan food contains safe vegetables ( no onion or garlic, no mushrooms) and it is very low in salt or even better doesn’t contain any sodium, then should be quite safe for your Maltipoo.

Bear in mind that cooked, steamed, baked or grilled meals are always better for your dog than fried ones. Too much oil can make your Maltipoo very sick.

Pay attention not to share any meal with your furry friend that contains grapes, raisins, avocado, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, macadamia nuts, pecans, pistachios, walnuts, Brazil nuts, too much sugar, salt, or any seasoning.

What about other sources of which Vegans get protein from?

Nutritional yeast. Unlike activated yeast, nutritional yeast is quite safe and healthy food for dogs. Usually sold in yellow flakes or powder form, this magic food can add some great taste to your dog food.

Nutritional yeast is very rich in vitamin B complex. B1 is important for a healthy metabolism, B2 supports immunity, B9 plays important role in brain development.

Since your Maltipoo is not able to store vitamin B for future use, they must be taken on a daily basis as a part of a high-quality and balanced diet.

Your Maltipoo will also benefit from Nutritional yeast consumption as will get 10 essential amino acids, they need to get from their diet.

Tofu is another great source of protein for your dog if he is going to be vegan. Just bear in mind that Tofu is a soy-based product so if your Maltipoo showed any signs of allergy to soy, Tofu should be avoided.

Aside from being very high in protein, Tofu also contains plenty of other nutrients for your Maltipoo such as :

  • Magnesium
  • Selenium
  • Phosphorus
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Manganese
  • Calcium

Although Tofu is not always perfect food for your Maltipoo it can be more than useful if your dog has an issue with a liver or suffers from bladder stones.

If your Maltipoo has some liver disease, Tofu could be one of the great substitute for meat. Some studies showed that the dog’s liver is able to handle much better soy protein than protein that comes from meat.

A similar situation we have in the case of bladder stones. If your Maltipoo has this kind of health problem, he needs a protein source with a decreased level of a substance called purines. Soy has lower purines than animal proteins do.

No matter you just want to share your vegan meal with your pet or you would like to convert your Maltipoo to a vegan dog, there is a great link with a lot of testimonials and advice from real vegan dog’s parents. Click here to go to Vegan Truth Blogspot

Can Maltipoo Eat Spices and Seasonings?

Yes, your Maltipoo can eat certain cooking herbs and spices and will benefit from them.

This might be confusing as human food is promoted as safe for dogs only if it is not seasoned. And of course, there are spices that your Maltipoo shouldn’t use in his diet, but here the focus is on salt.

That is true, you should always be careful about salt in your dog’s food. Your Maltipoo should eat very low salt or unsalted meals.

Regarding spices and cooking herbs, let’s make things clear first. What is the difference between a cooking herb and a spice? For example, cilantro is a herb and coriander is a spice but both of them come from the same plant.

The thing is the leaves of a plant become cooking herb and roots, stems, flowers, fruits, seeds, bark become spice. Some plants give both.

According to holistic veterinarians, there is plenty of spices and herbs that are quite safe for your Maltipoo and which you can use to add some flavors to your pet’s food.

  • Basil (antibacterial properties, fights against free radicals, protects the liver, help in diabetes prevention, add basil if your Maltipoo has a problem with arthritis to reduce inflammation and pain)
  • Cinnamon( anti-inflammatory, fights against free radical, anti-cancer properties, regulates blood sugar. Always search for Ceylon cinnamon rather than the more common Cassia version. Cassia cinnamon contains coumarin – a natural plant chemical that acts as a blood thinner.
  • Fennel (acts as a diuretic, helps digestion, helps with abdominal issues such as constipation, diarrhea, and gases, anti-cancer properties. Excessive intake of fennel can provoke heavy breathing and heart palpitation.)
  • Coriander (anti-parasitic, helps with abdominal issues such as diarrhea, and gases, increase milk flow, alleviate nausea. Avoid coriander if your Maltipoo is pregnant as it can provoke uterine contractions)
  • Dill (anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, improves digestion, lowers blood sugar. Again if you have a pregnant Maltipoo avoid dill, as it can cause miscarriage )
  • Oregano (anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, rich in antioxidants. If you have Maltipoo with bleeding disorder avoid oregano as it can cause bleeding. Also if you have Maltipoo that suffers from diabetes, better not to consume this spice as it can lower blood sugar level)
  • Peppermint (helps with upset stomach and diarrhea, reduces intestinal gas, alleviates spasms in the colon. If your Maltipoo suffers from GERD ( gastroesophageal reflux disease) better not to consume peppermint. In diabetic dogs, this spice may cause hypoglycemia )
  • Parsley ( may help with urinary infections, acts as a diuretic, rich in antioxidants. Due to being high in oxalate, if your dog is prone to calcium oxalate stones, skip parsley )
  • Ginger ( may help with upset stomach and nausea, regulates blood sugar level, helps in reducing pain caused by osteoarthritis. If you have senior Maltipoo ginger can backup cognitive function and relieve age-related joint pains)
  • Cayenne pepper (the only pepper that is considered safe for dogs. Packed with vitamins, has anti-inflammatory properties, reduces pain associated with arthritis. If your Maltipoo has stomach ulcers, this spice may be beneficial as it kills ingested bacteria and stimulates the cells in the stomach to produce the protective juices that should prevent ulcer formation)
  • Chamomile (herbal tea that helps with gases and vomiting, alleviate anxiety and insomnia. However, some dogs might be allergic to this herb so check for sensitivity first before giving to your dog. Also, limit the consumption if your Maltipoo is pregnant)
  • Green tea ( anti-oxidant, calming, reduces the risk of heart disease and some cancers. Just make sure you give your dog only de-caffeinated version)

Spices and herbs that are not safe for your Maltipoo :

  • Garlic ( both dehydrated and powder varieties ) –
  • Onion powder
  • Pepper
  • Nutmeg
  • Cocoa
  • Table salt
  • Mace
  • Wormwood
  • Pennyroyal

Can Maltipoo Eat Baby Food?

Maltipoo can eat baby food on certain occasions. This kind of food is easy to swallow and digest so it is perfect when your Maltipoo is sick and you need to give oral medications. In case your Maltipoo needs to take some bitter prescription pill, the baby food will easily camouflage the bad taste of the pill.

Dr. Sara Freer DVM, a veterinarian who practices at Cumming Hospital in Pennsylvania , suggests that baby food should be used in situations when your dog won’t eat so you need to encourage him a bit and nothing else you have tried is not working.

The best baby food for your Maltipoo is meat-based food that contains lamb, beef, or turkey. What is important, it shouldn’t contain any garlic or onion powder. You can also try with baby food that contains banana, pumpkin, or sweet potatoes.

It can happen that your dog likes the taste of baby food so it becomes a kind of treat for him. That’s OK, but you should give him one or two tablespoons every now and then, not more. The nutritional needs of a dog are quite different from the nutritional needs of a human baby so never rely on baby food no matter how your Maltipoo is craving for it.

When you serve baby food to your Maltipoo for the first time instead of regular dog food, start with a tablespoon or two, and watch for the reaction. Although it’s unlikely that baby food causes any illness, an allergic reaction or upset stomach may happen.

You can serve baby food to your Maltipoo alone or mixed with his own food. If you serve it alone, a good idea is to warm it up a little bit, add some water if you find it thick.

Remember that opened a jar of baby food, will remain safe for consumption in the first 24 h, so don’t keep open jars in a fridge for a couple of days.

Final Thought

Maltipoos can eat human food. There is a great choice of safe fruits, vegetables, dairy products, grains, meat and fish.

You can use a great variety of spices and cooking herbs to enrich the flavor of your pet’s food but also to improve his health.

The best food for your Maltipoo after all is the food specially designed for dogs. For a high-quality diet, you should choose dog food for smaller dogs, based on traditional meats.

Apart from dog food, it is important to feed your dog with human food as well. But always remember – the key to a quality and balanced diet is moderation.

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